Thursday, November 24, 2011

My THANKFULness List

On that nationally recognized day in which Americans only get bigger, I thought it would be appropriate to make sure my heart gets bigger as well. Here is my list of 26 reasons why I'm thankful. Obviously I chose 26 because that's my age... of course.

*Note: This is in no particular order.*

1. My vision
On a sunny day in October, I noticed my eye was red and it felt like something was in it. Naturally, I ignored it. Soon I couldn't keep my eye open for very long-It hurt and watered... I'm sure the lady I was meeting with thought I was on drugs. I went home and took out my contacts. Maybe there's a tear in my contact? Nope.
10pm my mom roommate went to buy me some fancy eye drops. They did nothing. Throughout the night the pain only got worse.
6:30am I quietly sneaked into mom's roommates room. Mom, something is seriously wrong. I think I'm going blind. She replied "Should we go to the ER? Or I can call the eye doctor?" I don't know... it just hurts. I leave her bedroom with the pressure on her shoulders to take action. (This is when having my mom as my roommate is super convenient)
6:30-8:00am I sat, crying downstairs, in the dark, like a 12-year old. Why me? I probably have cancer. 
8:00am My roommate mom kindly drove my blind butt to the eye doctor. She called to warn the eye doctor we were on our way with a crying 26-year old emergency. I was escorted from the car to a dark room (with the help from two secretary's and my mom) as I was unable to open my eye. At least I have one good eye. I think I'll become a motivational speaker. The eye doctor immediately diagnosed me with "Acute iritis cornea abrasion." Basically any time my pupil dilated it caused severe pain so I got on some intense steroids for my eye and 2 other drops. *I would also like to note that I'm thankful my mom took me bc I wasn't able to search for my wallet to pay for these pricey meds... Ahhh the perks!*
I spent the entire day in the dark basement with an eye patch while I had nothing to do but sleep. Some of you may argue that just sleeping all day would be wonderful... it my nightmare. No computer. No phone. No TV. Nothing but sleep. L-A-M-E
I am now so thankful for my clear, painless vision. Forever thankful!

2. My parents
For obvious reasons above. In addition to their unconditional love, excellent role modeling, and raising me in an environment that promoted independence, self confidence, and determination.

3. Brad's Family
I love that his family is so loving and supportive. <3

4. My sisters (and their significant others)

5. My niece

6. Mental and Physical Health
Some might beg to differ but I am thankful I am mentally healthy ;) So thankful for my parents and grandparents, a beautiful and healthy niece.

7. Brad
Specifically that he moved out of my parents basement last Sunday and will have his own apartment next month! HURRAY!!! And I am thankful for his love and support. You are the best.

8. My Extended Family
Both my grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins. As my cousins continue to get married, the family keeps growing!! *Love*

9. Good weather in NOVEMBER!

10. A vehicle... that works. 
I drove past a car at 7am the other day who was pulled over the side of the road with car problems. It made me realize I have been taking my car for granted on how reliable it is. *Thankful*

11. Lessons Learned
As Carrie Underwood says: "There's some things that I regret, some words I wish had gone unsaid, some starts that had some better endings... Every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every break in my heart. I'm grateful for every scar. Some pages turned, some bridges burned but there were lessons learned."

12. Health Insurance

13. For being 26 :)

14. My Friends (I wish more of them lived near me though!!!)

15. Being admitted into the Masters in Social Work program at Iowa
I worked really hard to be admitted... basically forced them to let me in. And I am so happy with what I have gotten out of it and what I've learned.

16. Loan money! 
*Thanks, Lori Dirks, for reminding me why this is something to be thankful for!

17. My Mom's cooking!

18. My desire and love to learn!
I can't say I've always had this desire and love for learning... but I'm glad I have it now!

19. Being born in AMERICA!!!!!
Seriously... I couldn't be more thankful for this. I love our country. Regardless of how twisted our government may be!

20. My parents paying for my braces when I was 14 :)

21. My excellent functioning iPhone and my Mac. 

22. Scarlett-- my supervisor at my practicum- (Iowa Mediation Services)
She is an excellent role model. She is kind and thoughtful. She has taught me a lot.

23. For the opportunity to live at home while in graduate school.
I have been lucky enough to not have to work this year (rather, take out loans) but only for the cost of my school because I am fortunate to have housing and food available to me. :)

24. My Gym membership & the kickboxing class it offers :)
Especially during the holidays.

25. Never having headaches, migraines, or trouble going to sleep
I know a lot of people struggle with this... it makes me thankful I do not have to deal with that stressor!

26. God.
Because without him none of the these things would be possible.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
Remember to count your blessings. 


  1. Hahha, the second I read number one I thought perhaps you were talking about your vision for life. Then I though, "this'll be interesting."! Great list Mallory, hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Thanks Sarah!! Hope you're enjoying Thanksgiving in your new house!!! Hope to see you soon!!
