The day for L-O-V-E going to work, having an excuse to wear pink and red together, getting fat off candy, watching mushy TV shows, and waiting for over priced flowers to arrive.
Although I've had a boyfriend every Valentines Day since I was like... 9 years old, I still think the day is L-A-M-E.
It's expensive. It's forced. Blah.
I was thinking to myself today why don't I care for V-Day when I've got a man who I absolutely adore... and this is what I discovered:
If you have someone who makes you feel beautiful, shows he cares regularly, gives you simple compliments, takes you on dates, makes you laugh, listens when you're venting about something he doesn't care about, surprises you when you least expect it, and looks you in the eye and tells you he loves you...
Then you don't need all this over-priced stuff to make you feel validated.
And that is why I Love him.
Perhaps when I'm older and married with a bunch of kids move out of my parents house, Valentines Day will be much more dear to my heart.
Remember: Valentines Day should not just be for our boyfriend/girlfriend/husband..
It is also for our mother, father, sister, grandparent, aunt, cousin, best friend, Oprah, Justin Bieber...
Which leads me to...
The Grammy's: From the mind of Mallory:
-Justin Bieber & Jaden Smith (Will Smiths lil man) Just about cutest freaking thing I have ever seen.
-Bieber conveniently rhymes with Fever. Bieber Fever.
What does my name rhyme with? Kent. Lent. Vent. Rent. Bent. Dent. Meant. Tent. Would I be called "Rent Kent," "Kent Bent" or "Dent Kent." Ok, clearly Kent doesn't work. Let's try Mallory. Vallory. Calorie. "Mallory Calorie" Awesome...
-Wow, Christina Aguilera is really short. And just imagine how short she'd look if she took her shoes off. This is another reason (in addition to her huge pipes) why I feel Christina and I are SO much alike!
I like how she calls her fans "little monsters."
It's catchy. I dig it.
What I did not dig was this:
She arrived... in an EGG.
What the...
good gracious/son of a buck/farfednugan...?
-How is Eminem still mad at the world? I would like to do a psychoanalysis on him. Seriously, what is he mad about? Maybe he's mad because...:
a) he's so rich.
b) he's shorter than most rapers.
c) he's so pale (not just as a raper but in general).
Regardless, I still like him. I'll say it, him being so mad all the time is kinda hot. I'm sure me saying that makes him mad though.
Speaking of hot, here's someone that is NOT. Cee Lo.
Why is it okay for this weirdo to have this stupid-ass costume and puppet theme which is likely to attract young kids to a song titled "F-U" I have to say... I think there is something wrong with that. And he's just kinda creepy.
I seriously thought it was kind of uncomfortable to watch. And I hardly call that dancing.
But... more likely than not, I'm probably jealous.
I could never pull of bright red hair with no pants.