Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The First World Problems Rap

Which I prefer to title the "lazy generation." This 17-year old kid captures exactly what I mean...

"The First World Problems" By Zach Katz

I hate to sound like a cranky old woman but I believe this teenage generation has been blessed with technology... Internet... lightening speed solutions to homework questions... zero tolerance for waiting on answers... I could go on and on.

Does this techno-generation have an unconscious... or conscious... entitlement to things previous generations had to work undoubtedly hard for? Prosperous jobs? Money? Success? I'm starting to think so. This nature of entitlement could have serious consequences in the future for both the generation as well as our society as a whole.

Will college enrollment rates decrease because kids think someone will soon discover the YouTube video's they have been creating for the last 4 years instead of studying for tests at school. Do they yearn to become instantly rich and famous with as little effort as possible? Will the rate of kids living with their parents after age 21 skyrocket because they can't tear themselves away from a video game? Will they give up on learning new things if they don't get a lightening speed solution or response?

Maybe I am a cranky old woman... but I think I have a point!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rhyme for the Time.

I've neglected my blog... but for good reason.

I have been...

Boating in the Ozarks,
A bachelorette party in Minneapolis,
Watched fireworks in Kansas City,
Drove to Chicago to see my sissy!

I have been mountain biking,
I have been mountain climbing,
I have seen a male stripper... 
Oh how I wish I was lying...

I have played a lot of sports,
Like kickball in Chicago,
Beer pong in Kansas City,
... Des Moines and Colorado

I have canoed on a river,
Layed out by the pool,
Became tearful at weddings,
And danced like a fool.

This summer has been an adventure,
For that I am sure,
I even got a black eye,
From a really tall guy.

It's only a matter of time,
Until my fun will end,
School is on it's way here,
This fill me with great fear. 

But summer is not over yet,
There is more fun to be had,
I'm getting on a plane tomorrow,
And headed for ORLANDO!!!!

Bachelorette Parties

Boating in the Ozarks...

Chicago, Ill.

Crested Butte, Colorado

On our way up the mountain... snow... in July!

We were so high up (given the elevation at ground level was 19,000+) 
I actually became strangely affected by the altitude. 
I thought I was going to throw up over the side of the mountain, I was shaking, and became weirdly emotional... I can't explain it. It was weird.
Brad: "Why are you crying?"
Me: "I don't know... I can't stop"
Brad: "oh geez... again?"  Roles eyes.

The Black Eye
I'm sure you are all wondering how a grown adult gets a black eye? Or you're thinking my BF did it. But it was a frying pan. That's right. A frying pan hit me in the face. A HUGE frying pan fell from the ceiling of stephanie's apartment and hit me straight in the face.

I totally pulled it off though... don't worry.
However, Brad sure did get some dirty looks over the past 2 weeks. Yes, I still have a black eye... two weeks later. But I've learned to work what the pan gave me!!!

I will leave you with a candid Stephanie captured. It appears as though I'm meditating and the Lord is beaming down on me. Although the Lord may be beaming down on me, I actually just got done with a steep hike and was enjoying an ice cold Budwiser.
Hard. Ass.