Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December Update

So... a LOT has happened in December.  Here's the rundown:

1) Late November- message from Joe (Allison, my little sister's BF) I'll be asking your dad over Thanksgiving to marry your sister...   it wasn't that short of a message but that was the gist. I  felt gitty and excited but unable to share my joy. I mean, it is just a question towards my dad at this point.

[my dad said yes.]

2) Early December- Joe sent me another message... with an additional 37 other people as well.  It reads: Hello everyone! PLEASE KEEP THIS A SECRET. I can't stress that enough. I'm planning on proposing to Allison on December 17th at the ice rink. I'm going to pretend to fall or something to get her attention and then propose to her. I want to surprise her with a party with all her friends after the engagement at her place...

*note, I may or may not have added/deleted portions of that message.
Most people who know me would agree that I'm not the best with secrets. They are simply too exciting for me to hold in alone. Luckily there were 37 people on the list to gossip with. Naturally, I informed my mom, dad, boyfriend, his friends, my friends, their parents, their siblings, co-workers, my ebay followers, people I met in a bar, santa claus and his elf's... I mean, this is his surprise to tell. His secret is safe with me.

3) 12/17- ALLISON & JOE ENGAGED!!!

And I'm so excited for them! They are just the happiest little couple right now!

4) 12/17- BRAD MOVES INTO HIS OWN APARTMENT!!! This is a BIG day!! He has been hoppin' around to-and-from my parents house and his parents house doing his rotations and I know there is nothing more than his own home base to minimize his stress. It's an adorable little one bedroom downtown and everyone that lives there is basically over the age of 65- YES!!! I think I'm going to do the honors of developing an events calendar for the place, specifically BINGO night. Is that too much? I think not!

5)12/20- I got a 4.17 GPA! That's right! In graduate school! I got over 100% in a class... somehow! Holla!

6) 12/22- TABBY TURNS 2!!

7)12/25- CHRISTMAS! I went to Brad's parents in Ft. Dodge for Christmas this year. We played games, drank wine, played games, and drank wine! It was wonderful! And then Brad and I traveled down to Des Moines to my parent's house watch movies and eat, watch movies and eat. At 7am Monday morning we hit the road to Missouri for grandma's house! Yee-haw! Hit up both grandparents and back by 8 that night!

What's next? A relaxing and CHEAP New Years Eve in Kansas City with friends! We are skippin' the bars, cabs, and expensive drinks and goin' for a laid-back, yet, action-packed NYE with close friends. It's gonna be AWESOME.

And yes, I will still wear something sparkly. No worries.

Wanna know what's weird? I sat down to write a post about something completely different. No idea what it was now. I suppose I felt a rundown of my month was more important than a random thought I had running in my head earlier this morning. That's life. Let's roll with it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My THANKFULness List

On that nationally recognized day in which Americans only get bigger, I thought it would be appropriate to make sure my heart gets bigger as well. Here is my list of 26 reasons why I'm thankful. Obviously I chose 26 because that's my age... of course.

*Note: This is in no particular order.*

1. My vision
On a sunny day in October, I noticed my eye was red and it felt like something was in it. Naturally, I ignored it. Soon I couldn't keep my eye open for very long-It hurt and watered... I'm sure the lady I was meeting with thought I was on drugs. I went home and took out my contacts. Maybe there's a tear in my contact? Nope.
10pm my mom roommate went to buy me some fancy eye drops. They did nothing. Throughout the night the pain only got worse.
6:30am I quietly sneaked into mom's roommates room. Mom, something is seriously wrong. I think I'm going blind. She replied "Should we go to the ER? Or I can call the eye doctor?" I don't know... it just hurts. I leave her bedroom with the pressure on her shoulders to take action. (This is when having my mom as my roommate is super convenient)
6:30-8:00am I sat, crying downstairs, in the dark, like a 12-year old. Why me? I probably have cancer. 
8:00am My roommate mom kindly drove my blind butt to the eye doctor. She called to warn the eye doctor we were on our way with a crying 26-year old emergency. I was escorted from the car to a dark room (with the help from two secretary's and my mom) as I was unable to open my eye. At least I have one good eye. I think I'll become a motivational speaker. The eye doctor immediately diagnosed me with "Acute iritis cornea abrasion." Basically any time my pupil dilated it caused severe pain so I got on some intense steroids for my eye and 2 other drops. *I would also like to note that I'm thankful my mom took me bc I wasn't able to search for my wallet to pay for these pricey meds... Ahhh the perks!*
I spent the entire day in the dark basement with an eye patch while I had nothing to do but sleep. Some of you may argue that just sleeping all day would be wonderful... it my nightmare. No computer. No phone. No TV. Nothing but sleep. L-A-M-E
I am now so thankful for my clear, painless vision. Forever thankful!

2. My parents
For obvious reasons above. In addition to their unconditional love, excellent role modeling, and raising me in an environment that promoted independence, self confidence, and determination.

3. Brad's Family
I love that his family is so loving and supportive. <3

4. My sisters (and their significant others)

5. My niece

6. Mental and Physical Health
Some might beg to differ but I am thankful I am mentally healthy ;) So thankful for my parents and grandparents, a beautiful and healthy niece.

7. Brad
Specifically that he moved out of my parents basement last Sunday and will have his own apartment next month! HURRAY!!! And I am thankful for his love and support. You are the best.

8. My Extended Family
Both my grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins. As my cousins continue to get married, the family keeps growing!! *Love*

9. Good weather in NOVEMBER!

10. A vehicle... that works. 
I drove past a car at 7am the other day who was pulled over the side of the road with car problems. It made me realize I have been taking my car for granted on how reliable it is. *Thankful*

11. Lessons Learned
As Carrie Underwood says: "There's some things that I regret, some words I wish had gone unsaid, some starts that had some better endings... Every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every break in my heart. I'm grateful for every scar. Some pages turned, some bridges burned but there were lessons learned."

12. Health Insurance

13. For being 26 :)

14. My Friends (I wish more of them lived near me though!!!)

15. Being admitted into the Masters in Social Work program at Iowa
I worked really hard to be admitted... basically forced them to let me in. And I am so happy with what I have gotten out of it and what I've learned.

16. Loan money! 
*Thanks, Lori Dirks, for reminding me why this is something to be thankful for!

17. My Mom's cooking!

18. My desire and love to learn!
I can't say I've always had this desire and love for learning... but I'm glad I have it now!

19. Being born in AMERICA!!!!!
Seriously... I couldn't be more thankful for this. I love our country. Regardless of how twisted our government may be!

20. My parents paying for my braces when I was 14 :)

21. My excellent functioning iPhone and my Mac. 

22. Scarlett-- my supervisor at my practicum- (Iowa Mediation Services)
She is an excellent role model. She is kind and thoughtful. She has taught me a lot.

23. For the opportunity to live at home while in graduate school.
I have been lucky enough to not have to work this year (rather, take out loans) but only for the cost of my school because I am fortunate to have housing and food available to me. :)

24. My Gym membership & the kickboxing class it offers :)
Especially during the holidays.

25. Never having headaches, migraines, or trouble going to sleep
I know a lot of people struggle with this... it makes me thankful I do not have to deal with that stressor!

26. God.
Because without him none of the these things would be possible.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
Remember to count your blessings. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Recap!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween last weekend. If you haven't already seen this video... do so NOW!

 So I thought it'd be such a *cute* Halloween activity for my hottie and I to buy some pumpkins... from Fareway... and carve them together. Aww. Cute! Right? Wrong
1)  Brad HAD to take a nap, so my sister filled the spot! 
2) It's a GROSS, NASTY, pathetically challenging job! Ew! 
3) Requires creativity... which requires thought (vs a brainless activity such as watching football perhaps)
So, thanks to a pathetic level of assistance from my sister, Morgan, I present:

Here's a few quick shots of Catwoman & Batman

 My good friend, Stephanie, and her FIANCE, Hans traveled all the way from the comfort of their rural communities to celebrate Halloween my birthday Saturday night!!! Hans *very recently* popped the big question and they are getting married next year!! WOO-HOO! PAR-TAY! Aren't they adorable?  

Add a splash of flippy cup...
 And I'd say this was a very successful Halloween!

And of course, here's my niece... the adorable little Octopus!

Marching on this weekend to my college home base: AMES! It is my hope there will be a lot of THIS going on!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Okay... so I saw this on Facebook. I couldn't help myself but to share it with all of you. Give it a shot!
Apparently I am: Epic, Broken, & Funny

As I was typing that I found FUN. (and not in the same word as funny... that would be cheating)

What are the words that you find?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

National Coming Out Day

This is a very big day for hundreds, possibly thousands of individuals today. I can't even imagine how difficult this decision must be for some people but I respect the courageous leap they are taking today.

It's unfortunate reality that we live in a society where prejudice still exists. Discrimination, both legal and illegal, is not a rarity. Even the physical safety of the LBGT community can be at risk. This is the reality some of our peers, friends, loved ones, colleagues, and acquaintances are facing today.

  • In most states you can still be fired from your job, simply for being LGBT, and have no legal resource because currently no federal non-discrimination law protects LGBT Americans. 
  • 86% of LGBT students report being verbally harassed at school
  • Homelessness of LGBT and questioning youth is a major problem in America. More than 100,000 annually experience short periods of displacement from their homes. 

It is important to be cognizant of these facts, not so you can worry, but so you can do something about it! So... how can you support those who have taken this giant leap of trust, freedom, and truth?

  • Support local and national businesses with appropriate anti-discrimination policies
  • Speaking up when demeaning "humor" is happening
  • Find ou if your employer has an equal rights policy - and if not, encourage the organization's leadership to adopt one. 
  • Learn where political candidates stand on issues that have an impact on the LGBT community

Let's love one another for who we are not what we are

For many people the LGBT community is an unfamiliar territory. Here's a list of terms for your personal information.

LGBT – An acronym for “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.”

Lesbian – A woman who is emotionally, romantically, sexually and relationally attracted to other women.

Gay – A word describing a man or a woman who is emotionally, romantically, sexually and relationally attracted to members of the same sex.

Bisexual – A person emotionally, romantically, sexually and relationally attracted to both men and women, though not necessarily simultaneously; a bisexual person may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and the degree of attraction may vary as sexual identity develops over time.

Transgender – A term describing a broad range of people who experience and/or express their gender differently from what most people expect. It is an umbrella term that includes people who are transsexual, cross-dressers or otherwise gender non-conforming.

Transsexual - A medical term describing people whose gender and sex do not line up, who can often seek medical treatments to bring their body an gender identity into alignment. Avoid using this term unless an individual self-identifies as transsexual. 

Queer – Often used interchangeably with “LGBT.” Be mindful that the term may have negative or derogatory connotations for some people; however, many younger people are comfortable using it.

Gender identity – One’s personal sense of their gender. For transgender people, their birth-assigned sex and their own sense of gender identity do not match.

Genderqueer – A word people use to describe their own non-standard gender identity or expression.

Same-gender loving – A term some prefer to use instead of “lesbian” or “gay” to express attraction to and love of people of the same gender.

Sexual orientation – An inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic, sexual and relational attraction to another person; may be a same-sex orientation, opposite- sex orientation or a bisexual orientation.

Coming out – The process in which a person first acknowledges, accepts and appreciates his or her sexual orientation or gender identity and begins to share that with others.

Gender expression – External manifestation of one’s gender identity, usually expressed through masculine, feminine or gender-variant behavior, clothing, haircut, voice or body characteristics. Typically, transgender people seek to make their gender expression match their gender identity, rather than their birth-assigned sex.

Homophobia – The fear and hatred of, or discomfort with, people who love and are attracted to members of the same sex.

Internalized homophobia – Self-identification of societal stereotypes by a LGBT person, causing them to dislike and resent their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Living openly – A state in which LGBT people are comfortably out about their sexual orientation or gender identity – where and when it feels appropriate to them.

Outing – Exposing someone’s sexual orientation as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to others, without their permission; in essence “outing” them from the closet. Outing someone can have serious employment/economic/ safety/religious repercussions in some situations.

Sexual preference – What a person likes or prefers to do sexually; a conscious recognition or choice not to be confused with sexual orientation.

Straight supporter – A person who supports and honors the diversity of sexual orientation, acts accordingly to challenge homophobic remarks and behaviors and explores and understands these forms of bias within him- or herself.

Most of my information is from the Human Rights Campaign website 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Future Life.

The things I would do if  WILL do when I..
1) No longer live with my parents
2) Own Rent my own place
3) Have an income
4) Have children
5) Graduate from grad school.

I will dress my kid up in hilarious Halloween costumes!

When my kid can't walk yet...
Source: via Taryn on Pinterest

When my kid is still too young to know I'm dressing *it* for my own entertainment...

I will live here:
Large porch + lots of windows

Put this stuff inside it...
Walk up/slide down

H U G E  sofa

Sticks + Frame


Wall Decor

Elmer glue + canvas (I'd probably add a pinch of sparkle to it!)

Book Shelf

Cant forget to have a f a t cat "running" around!

You can view all of my someone else's super creative ideas that I stole on my pinterest page here:

Ahhh someday... but for now, I've got 2 tests and a project due today. I better quit daydreaming! xoxo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th, 2001

I was a sophomore in high school. 2nd hour. I was sitting in the front row of my biology class (assigned seating... obviously. Why teachers place the talkative, attention-seeking, know-it-alls in the front of the classroom is beyond me... but that discussion is for a different day...) praying for an escape from the interminable monotonous lecture.

What I would've given for a cell phone during that class. However, one student did and all of a sudden this quiet, smart kid in the back raised his hand. "Umm I just got a text from my friend in Mrs. Kinely's room that said a plane hit a building in New York and it's on fire so they're watching the news down there... can we watch the news?" The teacher kindly responded, "Absolutely not. If we have time at the end of class I'll turn it on but we've got a lot of stuff to cover."

Shortly after, a loud-mouth (also in the front row) interrupted the teacher to tell her that all the other teachers turned on the news, too. With a little more convincing, our teacher to turn on the news.

I vividly remember the words "Terrorist" and "Twin Towers" highlighted at the bottom of the screen. Me being the super-genius kid that I was, had no idea what either of those words meant. Apparently neither did my teacher because she said "oh gosh, it's nothing. You guys can watch it in your next class if your teacher allows it but I'm going to continue on with my lecture." She turned the TV off.

Although I had no idea what was going on the high-level of drama, gossip, and distraction from classroom activities was right down my ally. As passing period arrived, I remember a friend trying to explain to me what a terrorist is--I didn't get it.

3rd hour. World Cultures. News on. Glued to the news as we watched and re-watched the plane, and the second plane, purposely, viciously, and maliciously hit the twin towers. The tower fell. You could see people jumping out of windows. Chaos.

September 11th, 2001 
10 years ago
You can watch this video on youtube at 9-11-01

Here's to all the men and women that lost their lives. And to the men, women, and children that are still recovering from the trauma they suffered that day, and many years following. My deepest empathy. My most sincere prayers.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Stupid. Stupider.

The other day I saw the back of a company shirt that read:
Providing quality service since 10 years.
A company shirt. How embarrassing! Thanks to someone in an upper-level management position who didn't catch the error or didn't know the difference... oops???

After witnessing that poorly advertised company shirt I was motivated to dedicate an entire blog post to businesses that use poor grammar. And I will forever judge them.

"If YOUR single so am I" 
If you don't know what's wrong with this shirt... look it up. And feel embarrassed...

"Lets Go!"
Old Navy
Note: These t-shirts were designed for college teams. BAH! Kind of ironic.

"Have your girlfriends tell you 'Yoursocute' when you show up to your lunch date in these remarkable suede wedge heel boots." 
This is annoying for so many reasons. 
I hate that they forced 3 words together.
I hate how they advertise for them.
I hate that they put YOUR instead of YOU'RE
Even if it was You're so cute... it's still stupid.

No... it's not the lack of commas that is noteworthy here. Free WIFE! HAHAHA!

Now seriously... this is so sad. It should be sent to Jay Leno... 

Although this last example doesn't have a grammatical error... it's still disappointing... just in general
"I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me." 
JC Penny
Yeah... because girls are there to look pretty and boys are there to be smart. This shirt makes me sick. 
This shirt clearly was designed to make it to the JC Penny floor in the early 80's but somehow got placed  in 2011... sick. Just blah.  

Here's why grammar matters:

Please note: although I find poor grammar amusing, please don't judge my poor grammar. We can judge:
Old Navy
Nine West
Days Inn
JC Penny

But don't judge me! That's fair! Thanks!

*Some examples found on

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The First World Problems Rap

Which I prefer to title the "lazy generation." This 17-year old kid captures exactly what I mean...

"The First World Problems" By Zach Katz

I hate to sound like a cranky old woman but I believe this teenage generation has been blessed with technology... Internet... lightening speed solutions to homework questions... zero tolerance for waiting on answers... I could go on and on.

Does this techno-generation have an unconscious... or conscious... entitlement to things previous generations had to work undoubtedly hard for? Prosperous jobs? Money? Success? I'm starting to think so. This nature of entitlement could have serious consequences in the future for both the generation as well as our society as a whole.

Will college enrollment rates decrease because kids think someone will soon discover the YouTube video's they have been creating for the last 4 years instead of studying for tests at school. Do they yearn to become instantly rich and famous with as little effort as possible? Will the rate of kids living with their parents after age 21 skyrocket because they can't tear themselves away from a video game? Will they give up on learning new things if they don't get a lightening speed solution or response?

Maybe I am a cranky old woman... but I think I have a point!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rhyme for the Time.

I've neglected my blog... but for good reason.

I have been...

Boating in the Ozarks,
A bachelorette party in Minneapolis,
Watched fireworks in Kansas City,
Drove to Chicago to see my sissy!

I have been mountain biking,
I have been mountain climbing,
I have seen a male stripper... 
Oh how I wish I was lying...

I have played a lot of sports,
Like kickball in Chicago,
Beer pong in Kansas City,
... Des Moines and Colorado

I have canoed on a river,
Layed out by the pool,
Became tearful at weddings,
And danced like a fool.

This summer has been an adventure,
For that I am sure,
I even got a black eye,
From a really tall guy.

It's only a matter of time,
Until my fun will end,
School is on it's way here,
This fill me with great fear. 

But summer is not over yet,
There is more fun to be had,
I'm getting on a plane tomorrow,
And headed for ORLANDO!!!!

Bachelorette Parties

Boating in the Ozarks...

Chicago, Ill.

Crested Butte, Colorado

On our way up the mountain... snow... in July!

We were so high up (given the elevation at ground level was 19,000+) 
I actually became strangely affected by the altitude. 
I thought I was going to throw up over the side of the mountain, I was shaking, and became weirdly emotional... I can't explain it. It was weird.
Brad: "Why are you crying?"
Me: "I don't know... I can't stop"
Brad: "oh geez... again?"  Roles eyes.

The Black Eye
I'm sure you are all wondering how a grown adult gets a black eye? Or you're thinking my BF did it. But it was a frying pan. That's right. A frying pan hit me in the face. A HUGE frying pan fell from the ceiling of stephanie's apartment and hit me straight in the face.

I totally pulled it off though... don't worry.
However, Brad sure did get some dirty looks over the past 2 weeks. Yes, I still have a black eye... two weeks later. But I've learned to work what the pan gave me!!!

I will leave you with a candid Stephanie captured. It appears as though I'm meditating and the Lord is beaming down on me. Although the Lord may be beaming down on me, I actually just got done with a steep hike and was enjoying an ice cold Budwiser.
Hard. Ass.