Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th, 2001

I was a sophomore in high school. 2nd hour. I was sitting in the front row of my biology class (assigned seating... obviously. Why teachers place the talkative, attention-seeking, know-it-alls in the front of the classroom is beyond me... but that discussion is for a different day...) praying for an escape from the interminable monotonous lecture.

What I would've given for a cell phone during that class. However, one student did and all of a sudden this quiet, smart kid in the back raised his hand. "Umm I just got a text from my friend in Mrs. Kinely's room that said a plane hit a building in New York and it's on fire so they're watching the news down there... can we watch the news?" The teacher kindly responded, "Absolutely not. If we have time at the end of class I'll turn it on but we've got a lot of stuff to cover."

Shortly after, a loud-mouth (also in the front row) interrupted the teacher to tell her that all the other teachers turned on the news, too. With a little more convincing, our teacher to turn on the news.

I vividly remember the words "Terrorist" and "Twin Towers" highlighted at the bottom of the screen. Me being the super-genius kid that I was, had no idea what either of those words meant. Apparently neither did my teacher because she said "oh gosh, it's nothing. You guys can watch it in your next class if your teacher allows it but I'm going to continue on with my lecture." She turned the TV off.

Although I had no idea what was going on the high-level of drama, gossip, and distraction from classroom activities was right down my ally. As passing period arrived, I remember a friend trying to explain to me what a terrorist is--I didn't get it.

3rd hour. World Cultures. News on. Glued to the news as we watched and re-watched the plane, and the second plane, purposely, viciously, and maliciously hit the twin towers. The tower fell. You could see people jumping out of windows. Chaos.

September 11th, 2001 
10 years ago
You can watch this video on youtube at 9-11-01

Here's to all the men and women that lost their lives. And to the men, women, and children that are still recovering from the trauma they suffered that day, and many years following. My deepest empathy. My most sincere prayers.

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