1) Late November- message from Joe (Allison, my little sister's BF) I'll be asking your dad over Thanksgiving to marry your sister... it wasn't that short of a message but that was the gist. I felt gitty and excited but unable to share my joy. I mean, it is just a question towards my dad at this point.
[my dad said yes.]
2) Early December- Joe sent me another message... with an additional 37 other people as well. It reads: Hello everyone! PLEASE KEEP THIS A SECRET. I can't stress that enough. I'm planning on proposing to Allison on December 17th at the ice rink. I'm going to pretend to fall or something to get her attention and then propose to her. I want to surprise her with a party with all her friends after the engagement at her place...
*note, I may or may not have added/deleted portions of that message.
3) 12/17- ALLISON & JOE ENGAGED!!!

And I'm so excited for them! They are just the happiest little couple right now!
4) 12/17- BRAD MOVES INTO HIS OWN APARTMENT!!! This is a BIG day!! He has been hoppin' around to-and-from my parents house and his parents house doing his rotations and I know there is nothing more than his own home base to minimize his stress. It's an adorable little one bedroom downtown and everyone that lives there is basically over the age of 65- YES!!! I think I'm going to do the honors of developing an events calendar for the place, specifically BINGO night. Is that too much? I think not!
5)12/20- I got a 4.17 GPA! That's right! In graduate school! I got over 100% in a class... somehow! Holla!
6) 12/22- TABBY TURNS 2!!

7)12/25- CHRISTMAS! I went to Brad's parents in Ft. Dodge for Christmas this year. We played games, drank wine, played games, and drank wine! It was wonderful! And then Brad and I traveled down to Des Moines to my
What's next? A relaxing and CHEAP New Years Eve in Kansas City with friends! We are skippin' the bars, cabs, and expensive drinks and goin' for a laid-back, yet, action-packed NYE with close friends. It's gonna be AWESOME.
And yes, I will still wear something sparkly. No worries.
Wanna know what's weird? I sat down to write a post about something completely different. No idea what it was now. I suppose I felt a rundown of my month was more important than a random thought I had running in my head earlier this morning. That's life. Let's roll with it.