At work HR gave us this super long, VERY hard personality test. I suppose the purpose was to learn about our co-workers but we haven't done that yet. Anyway, I became somewhat obsessed with finding out people's personality type. Particularly, my family and BF. Here are the results:
Brad: ENFP
Morgan: ISFP
Allison: ESFJ
ENFJ (me/Mom) =(Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging)
"The Mentor."
To no surprise, my mom and I are the same... which I find a bit encouraging because I like her. :) In a nutshell we are charismatic, empathetic, passionate, and sometimes a bit of an enabler. Instead of describing this in full detail I will say this: Oprah, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagen, Abraham Lincoln, Maslow, Peyton Manning, Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Diane Sawyer and ... Bob Saget (odd man to add to the mix, I think) But there are countless actors, entertainers, etc. I wonder if that means I'm dramatic? I guess that will be my excuse for watching Jersey Shore.
ESTJ (Dad) = Extrovert, Sensing, Trusting, Judging
"The Guardian"
The family-centered, conservative one who has traditional views. This seems about right. Although they should call it "The politician" Mostly all presidents: Monroe, Jackson, Harrison, Pierce, Cleveland, Truman, Johnson, and George W. Bush (puke)
ISFP (Morgan)= (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)
"The Artist."
They kind of beat to a different drummer. Donald Trump, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, BRITNEY SPEARS! haha! Sorry Morgan... you may be an ISFP but no matter what mom told you when you were young... you don't look like her and you certainly don't act like her! HA!
ENFP (Brad)=(Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)
"The Inspirer"
His actually described him to have a "silly switch." When the "silly switch" is turned on they can appear intoxicated. HAHA this is really hilarious and SO true for Brad! Bill Cosby, Sandra Bullock, Dr. Seuss,
ESFJ (Allison)= (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
"The Caregiver"
I think the care giving part is self-explanatory and I suppose it's pretty accurate considering she's getting her Bachelor's in Nursing. Bill Clinton, Nancy Kerrigan
To conclude this post, I would just like to say that the test results concluded that my mom and dad are the least likely to have a relationship. HA! Oddly, they weren't surprised by that but looks like opposites not only attract but actually work out sometimes.
Although, both Brad and my results concluded we should have a relationship. So I decided to keep him around a bit longer ;)
You can take the test here: Personality Test
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
America's Next Top Model thinks this is a good thing? Am I the only one who thinks this is a little extreme? Even for a show like this... I mean, seriously, did they forget to look at her face? Maybe a face doesn't matter when you have a skeleton body so small that a guy can put his hands completely around you.
Let's all try it: Put your hands out. Touch your middle fingers together. Touch your thumbs together. Imagine your hands as the size of this girls waist. That's how small that
This is not what women are about... we are not about being 6'2'' and 50lbs (quick estimate). We are not about having eyebrows touch each other! We are not about looking frail! We are WOMEN (hear me roar!) Not hipless, boobless, curveless, and FATless people! We are WOMEN! WTF! I feel bad for those 13-year-old girls who have one chubby leg weighing more than this girl's entire 21-year-old body. I think it's sending the wrong message.
I know a lot of people who already find Tyra annoying but I've always kind of liked her. She advocates for people from all walks of life and as a social worker, I certainly appreciate that! On her hit show she has featured models that are blind, plus-size, transgender, lesbian/bisexual, and countless races, cultures, and ethnicities. But featuring some freaky-skinny girl completely based on the fact that she's freaky-skinny truly disappoints me. I would like to disclose that freaky-skinny people certainly deserve attention for their talents and life probably isn't always perfect for this 6'2'' freaky-skinny girl but I don't think modeling is lacking in the freaky-skinny department and therefor there is really no need to advertise this gal's freak-of-a-waist as a desirable feature in a woman. Let's all say it together, FREAK!
Or maybe my 5'3'', way more than 50lbs frame is just jealous... it's hard to tell.
In case you have not read your weekly tabloid trash mag:... Jessica Simpson is fat again... or something.
This is the picture they ( show next to the caption: Fail Tail. (I must admit it's a catchy caption) If we're going to debate whether she's fat or not... I'd like to argue that horizontal stripes could trick ANYONE to think they have gained a few. This is the teeny-bopper type of celebrity that I love. So everyone, BACK OFF! Jessica's weight is probably equal to the weight of 2 chubby legs from one of those 13-year-olds overweight girls walkin' around! How do you think that makes them feel when we're calling Jessica Simpson fat? Those chubby legged girls are probably super annoyed.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Chicago Weekend
About mid-spring Brad and I decided we would take a little trip somewhere during the ONE WEEK of the entire year in which both of us had time off from school. So, of course, the end of July approaches quicker than expected and we're stuck looking at each other on the Thursday night before the Friday we planned to leave for our vacation.... and we still needed to decide where we were going to go, make reservations, and cash our checks from work ask our parents for money. I woke up Friday morning feeling certain our "vacation" would consist of a fancy dinner for two at the local McDonald's in Des Moines. I get a phone call 2:30pm Friday afternoon:
"Mal, we're going to Chicago"
"I already looked there and all the hotels are full" (due to some XXX convention!)
"I've got it taken care of. Just go home and pack."
"oook I'm scared."
To my hesitation, I packed anyway and we were off... to Chicago. 5 hours later we pulled up to the Hampton Inn and Suites downtown Chicago! Beautiful! Thank God for parents, credit cards, and Brad's
Right outside our hotel & on our way to eat at Navy Pier
Navy Pier
Navy Pier
Me, Allison, Theresa
And we were luck enough to have my sister, Allison, as our waitress (please do not pay any attention to her t-shirt... she was very embarrassed that she had to wear it!) haha
Of course we couldn't visit Chicago without attending attempting to attend a Cubs game. But by the time we got our late butts to the stadium the game was sold out. We went to a nearby bar with Allison, Joe (Allison's BF), and Matt (Brads bro) for some drinks... cheering on my favorite team (of the day).
Go Cubs!
On Sunday I was craving the beach! But as we were on our way we noticed some very dark clouds. Yep. Of course. Rain. Thunder. Lightening. Did we turn around? Heck no! What's better than watching a crowd of people sprint to the nearest place with a roof? It was hilarious! People were so scared of being touched by rain you would have thought humans were allergic!
About 20 minutes later it cleared up and it remained an absolute GORGEOUS day!
And that's about it. If only I was able to take off work we could have stayed longer than 3 days. However, if we did that we'd either:
A) Have to open a new credit card
B) Ask our parents for more money
C) sleep on the floor of one our siblings apartments.
It's weird... when I was 15, I thought I would definitely NOT be living with my parents anymore and I would most certainly be able to afford a hotel room for more than 2 nights. That's life. Maybe next year... well, probably not. Maybe in two years when I've graduated making a bunch of money as a social worker. :) You never know!
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